Sunday, 4 January 2009

First Paragraph. .!!

Title: HOW and WHY are women CHALLENGING their stereotypes in DOMINO and other similar films?

Today’s society have changed so much throughout the years and we can see this from the development of film production as directors are now making films that would have been frowned upon in the 20th century. An example of this is Domino which was directed by Tony Scott as it features a female protagonist, Keira Knightly, who challenges negative stereotypes given to women. Stereotypes given to women can be positive such as the fact that they are supportive and nurturing however, there are some stereotypes given to women by a patriarchal society that degrades and humiliates them such as their weakness and passiveness. Films such as Erin Brockavich, Wanted and Alien as well as Domino go against these stereotypes as they portray women as being strong, violent and active which highlights the change women have achieved and their sudden equality with men. Nonetheless, there are still some negative stereotypes that female actors such as Keira Nightly, Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie carry out and portray such as their promiscuity and how sexual active they are. Their 'slutty' clothing and the amount of cleavage they show connote Laura Mulvey's ‘male gaze’ and the fact that the female characters, no matter how much equality they achieve, they will still be on the screen to please the male target audience.

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