Tuesday, 31 March 2009


The new Halaween would have only some changes as it was very successful. I would keep the iconographies such as the knives and contenious use of blood. However, more blood wouldn't harm anyone as today's society are more into a gory, gothik film. I would also keep the masked killer as it is a recognised image in today's society and it is one of the main iconagraphies in the film. I would also make sure that the mask is visible in the front cover of the film advert as it will appeal and attract the target audience to watch the film.

Another thing from the halaween film that i would make sure i have in the remake in 2010 is the tense, building up music as it creats tension and makes the target audience want to watch the film more and more. It also creates some sort of enigma as people are wondering what the music is leading up to, maybe another murder. The generic conventions of this film are very good so i would find it hard to change a lot however, it is still very cliche and its not fully appealing to the zietgeist. I might for instance change the typical ending of a horror film and surprise the target audience by having a final boy instead of a final girl. I dont think the film will get much criticism if this happens as society today is becoming more and more equal. Another thing i might have for instance is a little bit more sci- fi in it as science today is growing and the interest in science is increasing greatly.

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