Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Essay plans

1. Examine the reasons why some stereotypes within the media have changed over time.

intro: I will give a definition of what stereotype means. In the intro i will also talk about how the media was in the past, and how it is now in representing social groups such as women.

para one: Here i will talk aboutthe fact that women in the past were steortyped to be passive housewives and this was portrayed in many films of the time such as the godfather for instance. Women were seen as weak, and passive and they are very domestic taking care of children whereas the men are bread winners who are more dominant.

para two: this representation of genders have changed completly from the past as women are becoming more independent and take more time in the careers.

para three: however, we can still see male dominance in the media especially in films such as james bond where the male is the powerful one and the active one where as the women is just there for emotinal purposes.

conclusion: here i will pick an argument to agree with wether representations in the media did change or if they didn't.

2. How does the media represent a social group that you have studied?

intro: here i will identify what a 'stereotype' is and i will choose what social group i will focus on which will be women.

para one: one way in which the media represents women is that they are passive and their place in society is the home. we can see this in adverts as in adverts about domestic stuff like the shake and vac ad, there is mainly a female protagonist where as in manly adverts, it is mainly men we see in the mese en scene.

para two: furthermore we see the media representing women in the media as passive and weak as in films like bad boys we see women being portrayed as there just to help the male protagonists in the emotional ways. They are also being represented as sex objects.

para three: Laura mulvie talks about women being represented as there to please a male target audience and a 'male gaze' as they are shown on the screen wearing bikinis and acting promescuisly.

para four: however, there are also films that portray women moving away from these stereotypes as films like domino and erin brokavic portray women as being independent and strong in a male dominant patriarchal society.

3. What is there to be said for or against stereotyping in the media? Answer with refrence to specific examples.

intro: i will define what is meant by 'stereotypes' and i will also identify some advantages of stereotyping and some disadvantages.

para one: oneadvantage is that some stereotypes are positive like asians exeeding in school and black people being excelent athletes.

para two: however, there are also some disadvantages of stereotypes as the cause a moral panic in society for instance the stereotype of black people being criminal cause society to fear them.

para two: however, there are reasons for stereotypes being their in te first place as statistics show that black people do commit lots of crimes.

para three: another stereotype is of women being 'bimbos' which is very degrading and offensive towards women.

conclusion: in the conclusion i will pick the argument of 'against' stereotypes and i will explain why .

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